title:Ways to Prevent Sinus Infections

author:Carla Ballatan
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:11

“Prevention is better than cure”, goes one of the famous clichés in medical society. This cliché has been proven a thousand times over from the very first physicians in history. Indeed, since you know your body well, if you begin to feel different and unlike your usual vitality, it’s time for you to know what’s wrong with you. Being aware of changes in your body helps to know the right steps to take in preventing whatever ailment is coming down upon you.
Now, are you prone to common colds and is allergic? Do you start feeling more sinus pressure in the mornings? Do you feel increased congestion? Are headaches bothering you? If you answer “yes”, it may be that you are having the beginnings of a sinus infection and the cliché we’ve just given applies to you now …
Don’t delay until your sinus gets to painful and a major sinus infection is in full bloom! Health buffs are great at identifying symptoms and immediately sets up their own prevention programs. These programs focus on whatever needs to be prohibited and controlled in their daily diets and routine to prevent serious illness. Now is the time for you to start a prevention program against serious sinus infections!
In starting up your own prevention program against sinus infection, here are several important things to consider:

As you daily brush your teeth to prevent tooth decay, try doing daily nasal irrigation, too. There are new inventions on nasal irrigation – check out the Grossan Pulsatile Nasal Irrigation System.
Keep your sinuses moist.

Using a natural saline spray sever times daily may be added to your day-to-day routine.
Ensure that you’ll be getting enough moisture at night, use a humidifier in your bedroom if necessary.

Prevent drinking iced drinks, including tea and soda.
It’s not the time for you to exert too much especially when you’re already down with cold or having asthma attacks. Adequate rest is best prevention, too.
Exercise, exercise, exercise! — Outdoor types of exercise may help to increase your circulation.
Reduce the swelling of your sinuses.

Dissolving papaya enzymes in your mouth between your cheek and gum may be done 4x daily.
Taking plenty of hot showers and inhaling steam may also help
Using of hot compresses may also be done

Prevent the attack of allergies which adds to the stress on your sinuses

During allergy season, especially if you are an allergy sufferer, be aware that the peak time for allergens is between 5 – 10am.
Be sure that your bedroom is allergen-free
To keep allergens under control, try using hepa air filters, hepa vacuums and dust mite covers.

It’s always recommended, too, to have that visit with your doctor to know definitely how you really are. There are stages in sinus infections you need to be aware of. So, start bringing out that health buff inside of you and do battle against full bloom sinus infection!


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