title:Web site Offers Skincare and Beauty Advice to Meet Unique Needs of Teens With Darker Skin

author:ARA Content
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

(ARA) – Acne-prone teens with dark complexions have skincare and makeup problems unique to their darker skin tones, and also have difficulty finding skincare information that speaks directly to their needs. Now, teens with complexions ranging from the darkest shades of black skin to lighter olive-colored skin, can get expert skincare and makeup advice on http://www.pimpleportal.com.
Jeanine Downie, M.D., a dermatologist based in Montclair, N.J., recognizes the frustration darkly complected teens experience. “People with darkly complected skin, which can include persons of African-American, Asian, Latino, Mediterranean and Native American heritage, must cope with controlling their acne and are also more prone to scarring. Furthermore, they often have difficulty finding skincare information that addresses darker skin, and don’t know that a dermatologist can provide treatment to help with their specific needs.”
Celebrity makeup artist Michael Criscuolo, whose high-profile client roster includes supermodels Naomi Campbell and Tyra Banks, also knows that darkly complected skin requires a bit of extra attention when it comes to finding the right shade of foundation and cover-up. “Women with dark complexions sometimes have difficulty finding a natural shade of makeup to conceal blemishes and scars,” says Criscuolo. “However, new lines of makeup that cater specifically to those with darker skin tones allow the skin to appear flawless, and best of all, natural.”
Named one of 2000’s “Best of the Web” by Access Magazine and awarded a Gold Triangle Award by the American Academy of Dermatology for furthering public understanding of dermatological issues, http://www.pimpleportal.com provides information for teens to help them cope with, cover-up and conquer breakouts and other skin problems. Dr. Downie and Michael Criscuolo offer teens with dark complexions the following advice:
Dermatologist Jeanine Downie’s professional advice includes:

HANDS OFF – No matter what your skin color, adopt a strict “hands off” policy since picking leads to permanent scars. Darker skin is more prone to scarring and hyperpigmentation (a dark spot that remains on the skin after the pimple is gone).
AWAY WITH ASHINESS – Since dark skin can be extra sensitive, teens undergoing acne treatment often experience dry skin or ashiness. To avoid this condition, use a non-comedogenic, oil-free moisturizer all over the face in addition to your daily zit-fighting regimen.
TREATMENT X 2 – Black skin undergoes a two-step process during acne treatment. First, a dermatologist will probably prescribe a treatment to reduce and prevent breakouts. After existing acne is under control, some African-Americans require additional treatment for hyperpigmentation. Dr. Downie advises her patients to start each morning by washing with a cleanser containing alpha hydroxy acids and applying a bleaching agent like hydroquinone to treat dark spots. At night, Dr. Downie’s patients treat skin with a pimple-fighting product like RETIN-A MICRO (tretinoin gel) microsphere, 0.1%, to prevent future breakouts, and again apply hydroquinone cream to even out skin tone.

Celebrity Makeup Artist Michael Criscuolo’s expert advice includes:

GET EVEN – Darker skin tones tend to have more variations in shading than lighter skin tones. For those who lack an even complexion, match your foundation as close to your natural color as possible, then, using a large blush brush, swirl (almost like a car wash buffer) powder over your entire face for the appearance of evenness.
YOU GLOW, GIRL – If you suffer from oily skin, counteract oil slicks by applying a light layer of loose powder over your makeup. Keep your powder puff with you for touchups during the day.
BROW BEATER – Some African-American women have coarse or uneven eyebrows, so they choose to trim the hair and define the brow line. To create natural looking brows, use a brow pencil in your natural hair color and draw in brows. Be sure to use feather-like strokes so the line doesn’t appear too bold or unnatural. If your brows are a bit thicker, apply an oil-free hair gel to hold hairs in place.

Visitors can log on to http://www.pimpleportal.com for additional skincare and makeup information. In addition, teens can subscribe to “What’s Popping,” a free monthly e-mail newsletter in which dermatologists and other skincare experts share information and “tricks of the trade” in dealing with a variety of skincare and makeup issues.
RETIN-A MICRO starts working in as little as two weeks, with full results after seven weeks. Unprotected exposure to the sun or tanning lights, extreme wind or cold, or use of irritating skin-care products may aggravate the skin. The most common adverse reactions to RETIN-A MICRO were limited to mild or moderate irritation of the skin. For specific questions pertaining to RETIN-A MICRO, visit http://www.retinamicro.com.

title:Website Designs And Online Marketing Tools For Dental

author:Myna Harriot
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:11

Online Marketing Tips For Dental Services
Your reputation as a qualified dentist should not be compromised by a website that doesn’t reflect your practice. Why pay thousands on a site that has all the latest technology when you’re not quite hitting the right audience – your patients and future clients?
While web designers know all the latest tricks for HTML and other codes, they don’t know your business better than you. You need to be able to communicate this without getting caught up in the latest cool features for websites. When you know what you want to tell your visitors, your visitors will be more likely to use your website as a valuable resource and tool.
A few helpful tips to make your online marketing tools benefit your practice are listed below:
1. Material relevant to your practice is what matters to your visitors. Granted, a nice looking website is helpful, but a website chalk full with interesting content is far more important. Try not to write as though you’re communicating with a professional dental association. As for organizing your web material, the first thing that visitors see on your site should have your dental practice’s name, a picture of your place, and contact information.
2. Visuals like a photo of yourself and your building are very helpful. Also, compose an online introductory letter including your degrees and activities that you enjoy.
3. E-newsletters help you offer advise and support for your clients. Ask patients for their email address and mail off newsletters on a monthly basis. Include proactive material that keeps your patients up-to-date on dental care and your practice.
4. Don’t make your visits wait for information to download. Too many graphics or intricate graphics can cause your visitors to quickly go elsewhere.
5. Fresh content is much more attractive. Include interesting articles and features with engaging and time sensitive the material to entice visitors to return frequently. Use an online direct mail service for relevant material that can be inserted into your site or e-newsletter.
6. Let your clients know that you have a website by listing it on direct mail campaigns or including it on literature in your waiting room. Many referral services such as 1800Dentist also let you list your web address. Also, you can register your site with some search engines.
7. Make your website interactive with customer service, monthly contests, promotions and quizzes. The more visitors feel connected with the site the more likely they are to return sooner for the special deals and service. Offer coupons and other discounts like money off a cleaning. Many clients also look for links to help them understand their dental needs or fun links that highly interest them.
A website and other online marketing tools shouldn’t cost your practice lots of money and result in little benefit. With some instruction, most office managers can update the material from the office computer. Visit Dental Marketing Center (http://www.dentalmarketingcenter.com) or Internet Dental Alliance (http://www.internetdentalalliance.com) to discover more about web designs exclusively for dental practices.

title:Weathering Colic for New Parents

author:Jason Rickard
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

A common problem many times facing parents is Colic. Estimates say that between 15-25% of infants are born with Colic. Although it is not believed to effect a baby’s development it is still a struggle for parents to cope with. Babies with colic most often cry for several hours at a time with diaper changes and feedings having no effect.
Some of the symptoms that your little one may have colic are (but not limited to) as follows:
1.) A high pitched cry that does not let up in intensity, sometimes for hours at a time
2.) Pulls their legs towards their chest or holds them straight out
3.) Face becoming flush and warm while legs feel cooler
4.) Held breathes
5.) Painful facial expressions
Unlike many other childhood ailments, there is no one specific reason a baby may have colic. There are several factors however that may exasperate colic.
They include:
1.) Lack of Burping
2.) Food Allergies
3.) Swallowing Air
4.) Overfeeding or Eating too fast
5.) A tense home environment
The good news is that the symptoms usually disappear at about the 4 month mark. In the meantime here are some tips on minimizing those symptoms.
1.) After each ounce or few minutes of formula, burp them.
2.) Do not feed them while they are lying down
3.) Go for a ride in the car or try a gentle rocking while walking.
4.) Play white noise for them. There are many options in white noise now including lullabies playing in the forefront. Constant noise like Vacuum Cleaners and Fans are also very helpful in some cases and can be purchased on CD to avoid drafts or other issues. These can be purchased from the author of this article at http://www.yourfavouriteshop.com
5.) A warm bath with a few drops of chamomile essential oil to the water to help them to relax further.
6.) Change to a low-allergy formula or switch to a soy based one.
7.) If you are breast feeding, avoid tea and coffee
Above all you should always consult your physician to discuss the different symptoms. You should always be aware that the symptoms listed above may also be indications of ear infections, allergies, etc. so it is important to discuss everything candidly with your pediatrician.

title:Wearing Contact Lens Can Lead To Discomfort And Other

author:Petra Thurel
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:11

Tips For Contact Lens Wearers To Keep Their Eyes Happy

The cornea of the eye is one of the few “breathing” organs
of the body. Hence, contact lens must be able to breathe in
order for you not to experience the discomforts that many
people encounter upon wearing contacts. Some contacts are
better for some people’s eyes since some eyes are able to
absorb oxygen better. Unfortunately, not all eyes react
positively to a foreign object like contact lens. For some
people, it takes some time for your eyes to adjust to direct
contact with lenses.

The oxygen supply to the cornea is slightly less absorbed
when contact lenses cover the cornea. When the eye doesn’t
get enough oxygen, it becomes dry. Soft or flexible
disposable contacts tend to alleviate this problem since the
contact is very porous. A porous contact allows more oxygen
to filter through. However, a very porous contact also
filters more natural light than an eye is used to. To
adjust for this problem, most people find they must wear a
slightly lower prescription. Also, by wearing sunglasses
outside, the wearer’s eyes become less sensitive to

Another condition that happens when your cornea doesn’t get
enough oxygen is a blood shot eye. A blood shot eye happens
in response to the cornea looking for another way to get
more oxygen. Since the cornea is without blood vessels, the
retina pumps up its veins in attempt to absorb more oxygen.
This response can lead to other problems over time like
corneal neovascularization and macular degeneration disease.

If you encounter pain and swelling in your eyes while you
wear contacts, immediately let your regular physician or
optometrist know. These conditions are not natural for the
eye and sometimes are caused by not properly caring for your
lenses. Routinely cleansing your lenses with solutions is
very important to remove natural deposits on the lenses and
keep your eyes healthy. Special moisteners are available as
drops for contact wearers. Since saliva carries nasty
germs, you shouldn’t use your saliva to wash off or clean
your contact lenses. Another tip to keep your eyes from
getting irritated while wearing lens is to always fresh
makeup so that it doesn’t flake into your eyes and slide
between your lens and cornea.

Over 30 million Americans wear contact lens.

title:Wearing Contact Lenses

author:Jeff Lakie
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:11

If you’ve never worn contact lenses, you may not appreciate the amazing selection available on today’s market. Be glad: you have much more choice than in the past. With so many options, how do you choose the right type of contact lenses?
Your doctor can probably help you figure out which contact lenses are best for you. Some contact lenses are suited to certain vision problems, like astigmatism. Others, like extended-wear contact lenses, are marketed to suit certain lifestyles. Colored contact lenses sometimes are used by people who don’t even need prescription lenses but just want to change their eye color. Regardless, contact lenses should only be purchased by a professional eyecare practitioner, who knows how to properly fit the lenses and help you take care of your eyes. In fact, in the United States, it is illegal to purchase contact lenses without a valid prescription.
It’s good to be informed about the different types of contact lenses before making your decision. Different contact lenses need to be replaced on different cycles. Some pairs last a month, some only two weeks. Other contact lenses are made to be worn only for one day. These contact lenses usually cost more, as you are paying for convenience.
It is important not to sleep in your contact lenses unless your practitioner says it’s okay. Even contact lenses made for this purpose may not be good for you, especially if your eyes tend to be very dry. Be sure to ask.
Soft contact lenses have become most popular, as they are easy to get used to and are very comfortable to wear. While gas permeable contact lenses take longer to get used to, they last longer and tend to have less deposit buildup. Also, these contact lenses are less expensive in the long run because they don’t need to be replaced as often. Some people also believe gas permeable contact lenses are better for your eye health and may even help improve vision. However, they are rigid and some people don’t like how they feel.
As contact lenses have improved, so have their uses. Bifocal wearers rejoice! Many contact lens manufacturers have started making lenses that even you can wear. Ask your practitioner for details.


title:Ways You Can Get Infected With Hepatitis C

author:News Canada
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

(NC)-Hepatitis C is spread through contact with infected blood. Here are just some of the ways in which you can be infected with this virus:
Sharing needles, straws, pipes, spoons and other drug-related equipment.
(At least two-thirds of all new hepatitis C infections are drug-use related. Cleaning equipment with bleach does not always effectively kill the virus)
Getting a tattoo, body piercing or acupuncture from an operator who does not use sterile equipment or techniques
Being born to a mother with hepatitis C
Getting pierced by a needle or sharp equipment that has infected blood on it ( in a hospital, workplace situation, etc.)
People who had blood transfusions before the testing of blood donations became mandatory in 1990 may also be at risk. And, while the risk is low, it is also possible to become infected by sharing personal household articles such as a razor or toothbrush with an infected person. The risk of transmission of hepatitis C during sex is also low, unless both parties have open bleeding sores.
It is estimated that 240, 000 people in Canada are currently infected with hepatitis C, of whom only 30% know they have the virus.
If you think you may be at risk, either now or from past risky activities see a doctor. The virus can be detected with a simple blood test, and there are steps and medications you can take to successfully minimize the effects of the disease if your diagnosis is positive. For more information, visit Health Canada’s Web site at http://www.healthcanada.ca/hepc.

title:Ways to Prevent Sinus Infections

author:Carla Ballatan
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:11

“Prevention is better than cure”, goes one of the famous clichés in medical society. This cliché has been proven a thousand times over from the very first physicians in history. Indeed, since you know your body well, if you begin to feel different and unlike your usual vitality, it’s time for you to know what’s wrong with you. Being aware of changes in your body helps to know the right steps to take in preventing whatever ailment is coming down upon you.
Now, are you prone to common colds and is allergic? Do you start feeling more sinus pressure in the mornings? Do you feel increased congestion? Are headaches bothering you? If you answer “yes”, it may be that you are having the beginnings of a sinus infection and the cliché we’ve just given applies to you now …
Don’t delay until your sinus gets to painful and a major sinus infection is in full bloom! Health buffs are great at identifying symptoms and immediately sets up their own prevention programs. These programs focus on whatever needs to be prohibited and controlled in their daily diets and routine to prevent serious illness. Now is the time for you to start a prevention program against serious sinus infections!
In starting up your own prevention program against sinus infection, here are several important things to consider:

As you daily brush your teeth to prevent tooth decay, try doing daily nasal irrigation, too. There are new inventions on nasal irrigation – check out the Grossan Pulsatile Nasal Irrigation System.
Keep your sinuses moist.

Using a natural saline spray sever times daily may be added to your day-to-day routine.
Ensure that you’ll be getting enough moisture at night, use a humidifier in your bedroom if necessary.

Prevent drinking iced drinks, including tea and soda.
It’s not the time for you to exert too much especially when you’re already down with cold or having asthma attacks. Adequate rest is best prevention, too.
Exercise, exercise, exercise! — Outdoor types of exercise may help to increase your circulation.
Reduce the swelling of your sinuses.

Dissolving papaya enzymes in your mouth between your cheek and gum may be done 4x daily.
Taking plenty of hot showers and inhaling steam may also help
Using of hot compresses may also be done

Prevent the attack of allergies which adds to the stress on your sinuses

During allergy season, especially if you are an allergy sufferer, be aware that the peak time for allergens is between 5 – 10am.
Be sure that your bedroom is allergen-free
To keep allergens under control, try using hepa air filters, hepa vacuums and dust mite covers.

It’s always recommended, too, to have that visit with your doctor to know definitely how you really are. There are stages in sinus infections you need to be aware of. So, start bringing out that health buff inside of you and do battle against full bloom sinus infection!


title:Ways to Maximize Vitamin Absorption

author:Nitin Jain
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

1. Do not refrigerate vegetables and fruits (raw and uncut) for more than two days.
2. Do not go by the advertisements that show refrigeration slowing down loss of nutrients from fruit. It can’t stop the process altogether and fruits certainly do not get any fresher by refrigerating them for a long time.
3. Eat your fruits whole rather than cutting them into pieces. When exposed to air (oxygen), vital vitamins are lost. By that logic, raw fruits are better than fruit juices and pies.
4. Take a sunbath around nine am for 15-20 minutes and you do not need to pop any vitamin D supplements, except if otherwise advised by a medical practitioner.
5. Give full attention to food while eating rather than sharing the meal with your favorite soap on TV, so that your parasympathetic nervous system is dominant and the digestive system works to its optimum level.
All about Vitamin Supplements – http://www.vitaminsdiary.com/vitamin-supplements.htm

title:Ways To Deal With Hair Loss

author:Charles Mohaney
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:12

A great many people suffer from hair loss problems during their lives, and suffering from thinning hair – particularly at an earlier age – can prove very stressful and traumatic. We often associate hair loss with old age, but the truth is that there are many causes of this problem and it can affect anyone and at any age. From small bald spots to high level loss of hair, different people can be affected in different ways, often depending on the cause of the problem. Thankfully, there are a number of solutions available these days that can help with promoting regrowth of the hair. Often the solution that is most effective will depend on a number of factors, such as the cause of the problem, the level of loss, and even your budget. However, different treatments suit different people, and you may find that a solution that has worked on a friend may do nothing for your problem.
Benefiting from hair loss solutions
Medications, vitamins, and herbal remedies Products for the treatment of this problem have been around for many years, but in the past have been treated with some doubt and scepticism. However, over the years, the products available in terms of treatment for thinning hair or loss of hair have vastly improved and many people have found success through the range of over the counter solutions and medications designed to help with the growth of new hair and follicle improvement. You can also get medication on prescription for this problem, such as regaine, and for many this has proven the ideal solution, although you should ensure that you check the side effects with both prescription and over the counter solutions. Vitamins and herbal remedies are also available and could help with this problem, but again the cause of the loss of hair – which could range from illness and medication side effects to stress and poor diet – will often determine how effective each treatment for loss of hair will be.
Transplants could prove the ideal solution Although more expensive than traditional solutions for the treatment of loss of hair, transplants are becoming increasingly popular as a solution simply because this form of treatment is both permanent and effective. By grafting from a healthy area of the scalp, the surgeon can then transplant hair and healthy follicles to the affected area, thus eliminating the baldness problem and promoting regrowth in the future. For many, this is the most natural and effective treatment for their problem.
Because the cause of loss of hair can vary so widely, it is important to try and ascertain the cause of the issue before attempting to treat it. If you notice that you are losing your hair through anything other than aging it is important to seek medical advice before treatment. You can then determine which form of treatment might best suit your needs.

Ways of Paying for Health Insurance

When it comes to health insurance, many people don’t exactly know everything that there is to know about the subject. That only stands to reason, it is not something that is easily understood because of its complexity. For instance, when you visit the doctor you may be asked to pay something that is called the “co-pay”, and other times you may not have to do anything at all depending on your plan. Let’s look at some of the ways that health insurance is paid for.

Often times, your employer will sponsor your insurance and you only have to pay what is known as a “co-pay” or co payment. The co-pay is a set amount that is determined by your insurance company when you receive covered services. This is a significantly smaller fee than you would be paying without the co-pay. Many companies offer this type of payment option because it is easier on the employee to pay this way.

You may consider opening what is known as a Healthcare Savings Account (HSA). This will assure that you always have a location in which to retrieve payments for various medical expenses. The HSA is a pre-tax savings account where a portion of your pre-tax income, determined by you, is deposited into an account automatically. Since this account comes from your paycheck pre-tax, that means it will lower your overall taxable income. This means you are saving money in terms of taxes and saving lots of money towards your overall health care costs.

For certain disabled individuals and those above the age of 65, Medicare is also another way to pay for health insurance. While they will not pay all of your healthcare expenses, they will pay for most of them. Medicare, however, doesn’t cover prescription drugs and nursing homes. It is important that you check the different types of restrictions that may apply. There are low-cost prescription discount cards that have been proven to save people who require costly medications on a regular basis over 50% of what they would have been paying without any health care.

Paying for health insurance doesn’t have to be complicated as long as you understand just what is going on in terms of where you stand with your plan. Discuss any questions you may have about the plan before committing to one. While one plan may be right for many people, it does not always mean that it will fit your specific needs.