title:Water…How It Effects Aging

author:Paula Willard
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

How many times have your heard – drink eight to ten glasses of water everyday? How often do we actually drink that much pure water?
Would you believe that as you are reading this page you are dehydrating? We were all born as grapes, but now we are turning into raisins. Your body was once more than 70% water and now, if you’re like most Americans past the age of 40, you are lucky to have a hydration level above 60%. The bodies of most hospitalized elderly are less than 50% water.
Today, Americans consume more coffee and soft drinks than water. These beverages, along with tea and alcohol, are diuretics and dehydrate the body. All the moisturizer in the world will not restore a youthful appearance. By dehydrating your body you are actually pulling a hundred times as much water out of your skin through the urinary tract. Much worse than the skin dehydrating, is the dehydration of the internal organs, connective tissue and the brain.
Inadequate fluid intake and excess water loss can disrupt critical cell function. Most people experience this level of hydration all day, nearly everyday. Water is essential for all anabolic repair functions, and conversely, dehydration accelerates the aging process.
A study at Fred Hutchinson Research Center in Seattle found that women who drank two glasses of water a day had nearly twice the risk of colon cancer than women who drank four glasses a day. The few women who did drink eight or more glasses of water a day had less than half the risk of those who drank only four glasses. The association of increased water intake may also reduce the risk for other types of cancer. In one study, the women who drank the most water were 80% less likely to develop bladder cancer than women who drank the least. Other conditions that often respond to increased water intake include the reduction of headaches, muscle aches, hangovers, fatigue, constipation, and heartburn. Drinking enough water will also reduce fluid retention and edema. Sometimes it is difficult for people to understand that drinking lots of water actually decreases water retention. If you provide your body with ample amounts of pure water, it will not have to retain water in the tissues The body can become significantly dehydrated before we actually feel thirsty.
In the morning, you have a true need for water, but you may not feel it. For most people, the first liquid they consume is coffee, a beverage that sucks the water out of our cells.
Try this test: Before you eat or drink anything in the morning, sip about four ounces of water-no more. You will be surprised to see that in two to three minutes your mouth will feel parched. Drink another four ounces and in two to three minutes you will be thirsty again. You may have to repeat this six or more times before you are no longer thirsty. Add up all the four-ounce servings that you consumed, and you will discover your body’s true metabolic need for water.

title:Water, The Magic Drink: Learn How It Helps Glow Your Skin

date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

Glowing skin comes free of charge to you. Our simple water does it effectively.The effect of water is immediate, say overnight. your skin not only glows but you also feel a lot better after having a glass of water. Your wrinkles will seem less pronounced and your body will work most effectively as the waste and toxins are washed away. This is what our free of cost renewable source of energy does to us.
Tip: Drink a glass or two of water if you are watching your diet. Dehydration triggers false feelings of hunger so its easy to confuse thirst with hunger.
Natural spring water, whether its fizzy or still, is full of natural minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium, which are so important for our growth and healthy skin, along with iodine, copper and iron .Fizzy water is believed to be absorbed much quicker in body and is thought by some beauticians to aggravate cellulite.
Tip: People who drink a lot of tea, coffee, hot chocolate and aerated drinks tend to have tired-looking skin and have greasy skin and spots.This is because these drinks contain caffeine which prevents your body from making efficient use of minerals and vitamins.Try not to drink more than 3 cups of tea or coffee a day.
Alcohol and Smoking also effect the skin in great great way.Keep their intake low. Excessive intake of alcohol can lead to split veins. Smoking which has Nicotine doesn’t help you keep healthy skin too.Try Giving up Smoking.Nicotine attacks the blood vessels that feed the skin with oxygen and nutrients, as well as those that drain away the body waste. Smoking also age the skin greatly and affect nail beds and hair follicles, which nestle the epidermis .
Tip: Try not to take more than recommended 21 units of alcohol a week and GIVE UP SMOKING . Learn how to give up smoking effortlessly and painlessly here . http://www.weightloss-health.com
So, i would advice you to increase your water intake. One of the best way is to start a day with a glass or two of water. These initial glasses are important as you are reversing any mind dehydration that may have occurred overnight. It is always advisable to have water empty stomach as it avoid unnecessary dilution of digestive juices .So half hour before your meal, do have water.Get into the habit of taking water bottle along with you when you go out so that you can refresh yourself whenever you want.
Benefits of Pure Water:

It doesn’t create any false feeling of hunger if we have proper intake of water. Hence, no overeating.
Skin feels moist with the increase in energy levels.
Pumps you up, improves mental and physical performance.
Flushes out Toxins and unwanted substances .
Gets you rid of dark circle under eyes .
It also alleviates migraine headaches, high blood cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis pain, allergies and high blood pressure.

Tip: Your intake should not be less than 8 glass of water per day.
Get More free informative articles on health at So, i would advice you to increase your water intake. One of the best way is to start a day with a glass or two of water. These initial glasses are important as you are reversing any mind dehydration that may have occurred overnight. It is always advisable to have water empty stomach as it avoid unnecessary dilution of digestive juices .So half hour before your meal, do have water.Get into the habit of taking water bottle along with you when you go out so that you can refresh yourself whenever you want.

title:Water Retention

author:Sharon Hopkins
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:12

If you think you are too big for your clothes, your face is puffy and looks swollen when you get up in the morning, then you are suffering from water retention. The other symptoms are bloating of the stomach or tightness of the ring in the finger. Your shoes will pinch and all these events will cause you a lot of discomfort. This is called water retention or edema.
Usually, our bodies have the ability to balance the water levels in the body depending on the food that we eat or drink. But at times, this balance tends to go haywire. The leading causes of edema are excessive salt and alcohol intake, long periods of inactivity and monthly hormonal fluctuations or pregnancy in women. A sudden gain in weight or swollen ankles are the only signs of water retention.
The common home remedies for water retention are:
• Go into deep water: Exercising in the swimming pool will be an excellent remedy for curing this problem. This is due to the water pressure forcing out the excess water out of the tissues and into the bladder. It is advised to exercise gently in the pool at the temperature of 80 to 90 degrees F. if you are pregnant, avoid water above 100 degrees.
• Avoid diuretics: Though diuretics are effective for the flushing out of excess water in people with heart, kidney or liver disease, they can also cause rebound edema. Continuous usage will activate the salt and water retaining hormones and when stopped, these hormones are activated and cause water retention.
• Minimize salt intake: Avoid foods high in salt like hotdogs, burgers, pizzas etc. They contain very high salt content and the fluid released will remain in the body till kidneys have a chance to excrete them which is about 24 hours.
• Exercise continuously: Exercise has been shown to reduce water retention by flushing out water and salt through sweating, higher respiration and increased urine flow. If you have been sitting for a long time, walk up and down or climb stairs every hour. You can also try the following exercise: point the toes downward, then raise them up as high as possible which pumps up the calf and foot muscles. You can also raise your hands up overhead.
• Increase fluid intake: Water moves through the kidneys and bladder thus diluting the urine. It becomes easier for the kidneys to flush diluted urine out along with the salt contained in it. Plain water is the best option, since juices, sodas and colas have salt content.
• Sip on the herbal tea: Many herbs are slightly diuretic. Parsley is the best known one. Take two teaspoons of dried leaves for each cup of boiling water and seep for ten minutes. Drink three cups a day.
• Lie down with feet up: Recline with feet up in the raised position. This will allow the fluid collected in the legs to go to the circulatory systems and from there to the kidneys for excretion.
If these tips do not work or if you have heart and kidney problems consult a doctor. You can also consult a doctor if you have a pitting edema where an indentation remains when you press the skin.

title:Water and Exercise: Stay Hydrated!

author:Ray Kelly
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:11

Our bodies are made up of over 75% water. We all know that without water, there is no life. In fact we can only live 3 days without it. However, water has been replaced in most diets by soft drinks and other sugar sweetened refreshments. However, water is a healthier and more necessary drink that leads to better health and longetivity.
Your personal need for water can vary due to exercise, temperature and weight. Studies have shown that over 2/3’s of adults do not get enough water on a daily basis. By simply drinking water regularly you can replenish your body and keep it well-hydrated and functioning at maximum efficiency.
Most of us wait until we are thirsty to drink water. However, this is not a reliable gauge of the water needs that our body has. By the time we are thirsty we have already lost two or more cups of our body’s composition of water. Therefore drinking water regularly is a much better answer than waiting until one is thirsty.
It is also very important to not substitute beverages with alcohol and caffeine for water. The reason for this is that these beverages act as a diuretic and cause you to lose more water through increased urination. You think you are getting water through these beverages but the fact is they are causing you to let it go almost as quickly as it accumulates.
When you work out you need more water. This makes elementary sense. Our bodies lose a great deal of water due to perspiration. In fact we need to drink 2 cups of water for each pound lost through working out. Even when we sleep our bodies lose water. Drinking a glass of water before we go to sleep and when we wake up helps to offset this loss and keep our bodies functioning optimally.
It should be obvious that when we are sick our bodies need more water than at other times. When we have a cold or flu our bodies can become dehydrated. You can prevent this by drinking more water at times you are sick.
There are numerous opinions on whether purified water actually provides a tangible benefit. It is a subject you should explore yourself in determining the type of water that is appropriate for you. The same applies to exactly how much is enough? Below you will find some articles dealing with this subject. The best way to find out what you need is to simply set a goal to drink a certain number of glasses and then after a week or two see how it has effected you.
Make it a habit to drink water daily. Keep a bottle with you at all times and drink it throughout the day. Learn to drink water rather than other beverages that do not replenish your body’s nutrients. Drink water daily and watch yourself become healthier and happier.

title:Watch Your Weight This Halloween

author:Tracie Johanson
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:11

For those of us who are looking for quick weight loss, Halloween can be a scary experience! While just one night of indulgence in Halloween candy might not be enough to break your belt, dipping into the leftover stockpile for weeks on end will surely derail your diet or weight loss program.
In 1921, in Anoka, MN, the United States enjoyed our first recorded instance of a Halloween celebration. Annual candy consumption has climbed almost unabated since then. According to the Census Bureau, Americans eat nearly a half-pound of candy each week for an average of 25 pounds of candy a year. Candy is big business, with the United States boasting 1,040 manufacturing establishments producing chocolate and cocoa products in 2001. These establishments employed 45,913 people and shipped $12 billion worth of goods that year. Another 616 U.S. establishments manufactured non-chocolate confectionery products in 2001. These establishments employed 26,400 people and shipped $7 billion worth of goods that year (source: census.gov).
The overwhelming popularity of the South Beach Diet, Zone Diet, and Atkins Diet has prompted low-carb weight watchers to eat less candy. Overall consumption has actually declined over the last few years; as recently as 1997 the average annual candy consumption was a sky-high 27 pounds.
-> The Problem:
Most people on a diet plan or weight control program look at candy as little brightly-colored fat bombs. That assessment isn’t far off the mark, either, with most candy packing little nutritional value and a ton of calories.
Some of the more popular Halloween candy has too many calories to be included in any healthy diet:

Twizzlers 1 treat size pkg.= 45 calories
Almond Joy 1 snack size bar = 90 calories
Milk Duds 1 treat size box = 40 calories
Butterfinger 1 snack size bar = 100 calories
Milky Way 1 snack size bar = 90 calories
SweetTarts 1 treat size pkg. = 50 calories
1 Tootsie Pop 1 pop = 60 calories
1 Tootsie Roll 1 small roll = 13 calories

Note: Calorie content is based on 1 serving of Halloween ‘snack’ or ‘fun’ size packages, not full size servings found in the candy aisle.
While just a few pieces of Halloween candy won’t obliterate your diet program or weight loss plan, it’s the temptation to keep having ‘just one more’ that will pack on the pounds. It only takes nine small fun-size candy bars to put on a quarter-pound of fat. Besides candy, Halloween threatens many other high-calorie treats like Caramel apples (243 calories), 8-oz. apple cider and a cake donut (319 calories), or a slice of pumpkin pie (240 calories).
-> The Solution:
Is it possible to cope with the menace of Halloween candy without taking all the fun out of the holiday? Absolutely! If you’re looking for fast weight loss, and don’t want Halloween to bring your fat loss to a screeching halt, consider these healthy Halloween tips:

Walk with your kids while they’re trick-or-treating. A 165-lb. woman strolling along (walking slowly) for one hour will burn approximately 150 calories (source: caloriesperhour.com).
Out of sight, out of mind. When the kids have unloaded their stash, store it in an airtight container and put it in the cupboard. A bowl full of candy on the counter is an open invitation to have ‘just one’, but a stockpile you can’t see is less tempting.
If you’re going to give out candy to trick-or-treaters on Halloween, don’t buy it until October 31st. Having a candy supply in the house before Halloween only entices you to have some early.
If you must buy candy before Halloween, buy a kind you don’t like. Again, this will reduce the temptation for you to dig in.
Hosting a Halloween party? Supply vegetables, healthy dips, and low fat snacking alternatives instead of candy.
Set a Halloween candy deadline by which all Halloween candy must be either consumed (by the kids) or it will be thrown away. Saving that candy for weeks, or even months, only keeps temptation in the house.
Put more emphasis on dressing up in a great costume, and less on candy. This is especially true for the kids, who often view Halloween as a candy free-for-all dream come true.
By hosting a party on Halloween night, you can control the menu and have fun with friends at the same time.
Focus on Halloween activities other than eating. There are lots of options available, from hayrides to haunted houses to bonfires.
Candy has a long shelf life, and there’s no reason why you couldn’t put some of it in airtight bags and store it in the freezer. Allow the kids to take out one bag every two weeks until it’s gone. This tactic will at least space out the temptation and minimize candy binge eating.

Of course, the absolute best way to avoid weight gain, and perhaps even achieve some easy weight loss, during the Halloween season is to bump up the amount of exercise you’re getting. There’s no better way to lose weight fast than a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Make sure the workout you’re doing includes both aerobic and resistance training, as it is critical to get both types of exercise to maximize weight loss. It’s also important to exercise for at least thirty minutes, three times per week, which is the most recent recommendation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (source: cdc.gov).
A fantastic strategy is to find the best weight loss program for you now, before Halloween hits. The reason is that the last three months of the year are packed with holidays, special dinners and seasonal treats. Starting with Halloween candy and ending with Christmas fudge, many people find that they’re packing on more pounds during this period than they do any other time of year.
Joining a gym is an excellent way to combat Halloween and holiday weight gain. Finding a good gym to join now will not only help keep off those holiday pounds, but will even make you slimmer by New Years.
For more free weight loss information and weight loss tips, go to http://www.letspickupthepace.com and click on the ‘Articles’ link.
* Copyright 2005 Pick Up The Pace. Permission is not required for the distribution of Pick Up The Pace articles as long as they are used in their entirety, are properly credited to Pick Up The Pace, and are accompanied by our website link: http://www.letspickupthepace.com.
* The information in this article and on this site is for general reference purposes only and not intended to address specific medical conditions. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice or a medical exam. Prior to participating in any exercise program or activity, you should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional. No information in this article or on http://www.letspickupthepace.com should be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical condition.

title:Was The Ephedra Ban Really a Success?

author:Ted Collins
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:11

Ephedra and Ephedrine consumers are still under the assumption that the Ephedra ban is still in place. It probably comes as a great surprise that the ban on Ephedra, one of nature’s most powerful weight loss supplements, was lifted in April of 2005. A Utah Judge overturned the FDA’s decision. So why is it that the most sought after diet pill so difficult to get your hands on? We spoke to four of the top nutritional suppliers. They tell us that the demand is higher than ever. However, they admit they haven’t been following the new ruling. As a result, they missed the boat.
There is one company, Ephedra Labs that did follow the series of rulings very closely. Just as quickly as the gavel fell on the final decision last April, Ephedra Labs purchased the entire supply of the pure form of MaHuang. They now own the entire world supply of pure form Ephedra for the next 9 months. The only place a consumer can purchase Ephedra is by visting http://www.EphedraLabs.com. They even offer discounts if the order is placed online.
The power of Ephedra cannot be denied. It has helped hundreds of thousands of people with weight problems slim down. Where other pills and potions have failed, Ephedra still remains as the top challenger for the most powerful weight loss supplement out there. Ephedra Labs tells us they can barely keep it on the shelves with some of the wholesale suppliers stepping up to the plate wanting to purchase crates of their product. This is great news for Ephedra consumers is that the “weight” is over.

title:Washroom Break

author:Andre Leblanc
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

Picture yourself at a bar with some of your buddies. Everybody is having a good time. Suddenly your friend stands up and asks you to go to the washroom with them.
Now if you were a female this would be totally normal you would gladly accept and probably talk up a storm in the washroom. But if you were a man being asked by another man you would feel embarrassed, wonder about your friends’ sexuality and manlyhood and hope that the rest of the group doesn’t think the same about you.
Why do woman use the washroom as a meeting place? Why do men always go to washroom alone? In the past when times where a bit simpler but more dangerous woman would never go to the washroom by themselves in fear of being attacked by a wild animal. Instead they would go out in packs so this way they could protect each other from possible threats. Therefore that is why they go to the washroom together as it is natural instinct.
On the other hand the man being the hunter and protector of the group would always go to the washroom by himself. Therefore asking another man to go to the washroom will make him look weak and unable to defend himself like one of the ladies. Although I’m sure a lot of woman can defend themselves better.
So what do woman talk about in the washroom. They pretty much talk about anything and anybody. They discuss which men they like and which men they don’t, and any personal problems they are having or their friends. Therapy to anybody who looks’s upset and cosmetics talk to any stranger who asks.
Men on the other hand don’t talk to anybody. This is pretty much a universal unwritten rule. The further away they are from other men the better. Let’s say there are a few urinal’s the first man will choose the one at the end. Now the second man will choose the other one at the end. Never would you see a man pick one right beside another man when there are other ones further away.
Also most likely a man will take an enclosed toilet before he has to pee beside another man. One thing that men don’t have a problem doing is farting, usually the louder and longer the better. For the ladies no farting is aloud. This once again brings us back to instincts for the men; the louder and stronger the better.
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title:Warning! Lack Of Exercise Could Be Harmful To Your Health

author:Laura M. Turner
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

You know it’s bad when the Surgeon General issues a warning that lack of exercise is hazardous to your health. And that was back in ’96. Since then, the stats haven’t improved much, either: 25% of the American population is still sedentary and 60% do not exercise regularly (Reference: http://www.cdc.gov).
For fitness minded folks, we could do worse than to follow the “hour-a-day” prescription outlined by the Surgeon General’s Healthy People Report. It’s just a guideline, of course and, as you already know, any amount of activity packed into your busy schedule is going to earn you healthy rewards. But there are plenty of other reasons to exercise.
“If people exercised only moderately,” says Janet Kneiss, Physical Therapist, “there would be far less incidence of injury. The 15 or so people I see daily, who come in with back and neck problems, usually don’t want to exercise, they want a quick fix.”
The solution as she sees it?
“I think, if people could just reframe the idea of it [exercise] being so much work and focus more on the enjoyment of doing it,they would find the experience more positive.”
So, if exercise alone can keep you injury and disease free, how do you keep it from being just another thing “to-do?” Here are a couple ideas:
Do something you enjoy: This sounds incredibly simple, but it’s worth mentioning. As we’ve already said, most seasoned fitness fanatics as well as neophytes will be the first to tell you: if you do something you enjoy, you will stick to it. What do you like to do? Walk? Run? Spin the treadmill while watching the tube? Or how about branching out and trying something unique and different like kick-boxing or martial arts? It’s a great idea to add variety; it will keep your exercise fresh and interesting.
Mix it up! Speaking of variety, you can also mix up your routine. For example: try splitting up your exercise sessions. If you take a half-hour walk in the morning, take a half-hour to stretch or resistance train in the afternoon. Just adding a bit of variety could spice things up and keep you motivated. Make an appointment with yourself. Make the commitment to exercise by making an appointment with yourself. Write it on your calendar. If you’ve never exercised before, start slow [10-15 minutes] then build up. Begin exercising three times a week, then slowly build up your time and your frequency. If you love to exercise, try listening to your bio-rhythms. If you can, schedule exercise during peak energy periods.
Strive for your personal best. A friend e-mailed to tell me he was gearing up for another 5K relay race. I wasn’t surprised. When he was 50, never having run before and not having “runners genetics” as he puts it, he decided at 15 pounds overweight and asthmatic, he was going to run. He made up his mind. For a year he trained, dropped the weight and signed up. His first goal was simply to finish. Did he do it: you bet. Did he work through an asthma attack to get across the finish line? He did, but he kept going. Now, he continues to train and improve his time with each race. His secret, he tells me: enjoy the journey, live in the moment, and focus on your personal best.
“So, Laura, what’s the take home message?” you ask. Never mind what everyone else is doing. Stay focused on you, doing what you enjoy and what is fun and exciting for you. Learn everything you can about health and fitness. Then, do the best you can. In so doing, you will be an inspiration for others. To summarize: A quote from one of my favorite inspirational writers Dr. Wayne Dyer, who says: “I don’t want to be better than anybody, I just want to be better than I was yesterday.”

title:Warning: Herbal Remedies Have Health Benefits

author:Wayne McDonald
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:11

Most of us want fast results when we are sick and miserable. Typically people buy non-prescription drugs over the counter because they don’t know there are other treatments available. For many health conditions using herbal remedies derived from plants is a healthy alternative. It is best to plan ahead and learn which herbal remedies may work for a specific health condition.
The following list of common herbs is an example of possible health benefits for treating some ailments. Herbal remedies are prepared in many forms such as teas, herbal extracts (tinctures), capsules or loose/dried in a bag.
This herb is popular as a tea and can calm nerves, relieve stomach distress, prevent ulcers, and help fight infection. Chamomile may be used to relieve morning sickness during pregnancy, to treat gastritis and ulcerative colitis, and may be used to speed healing of skin ulcers, wounds, or burns.
Dong Quia
Dong quai has been used in Asia for thousands of years as a tonic for the female reproductive system. It also balances and strengthens the female organs and regulates their functions.
Several studies confirm feverfew’s value in preventing migraines. Feverfew may be used as an anti-inflammatory for relief of arthritis, to relieve some types of menstrual problems, and as a digestive aid.
More than 1,000 scientific studies have shown health benefits of garlic. Garlic has been used as protection against colds and flu. In addition, garlic may help lower cholesterol, prevent blood clots, reduce blood pressure and protect against bacterial and fungal infections. Studies have shown that garlic may have a positive role in the prevention of coronary heart disease, thrombosis and arteriosclerosis.
Ginger has been used for centuries to control nausea and for reducing inflammation.
Goldenseal is found in popular herbal blends for relieving intestinal and gallbladder inflammation. It also has been used to soothe inflamed or infected mucous membranes. Goldenseal may be used to reduce colds, flu and other respiratory infections especially at the beginning of infection. Goldenseal has both anti-infective and immune-system stimulating properties that may shorten the course of the illness.
Licorice is an important herb for treating a host of ailments. It may help as an anti-inflammatory and to soothe stomach upset and control coughs. Licorice Root has properties similar to cortisone and estrogen. It stimulates the adrenal glands and may help the body cope with stress.
Peppermint oil calms the stomach, the intestinal tract, and the nervous system. It can also reduce the inflammation of nasal passages and relieve muscle pains.
Herbal remedies may be safer and have fewer side effects than prescription medicines. Always read the label and use only the recommended dosage. Do not take any herbs during pregnancy — check with your doctor first. If you are currently taking any prescription medicines always check with your doctor before using herbal remedies or before starting any health supplement program.
Herbs are a healthy alternative for treating many health conditions. Read and save articles like this in a small notebook and create your own research library with health benefits of each herb. There are many resources available online that outline specific health conditions and recommend herbs.
Herbs can be purchased online or at local health food stores. In addition, for treating specific health conditions, you may want to work with a naturopath or an acupuncturist.
Copyright 2006 Wayne McDonald

title:Warning! Flu Shots Can Be Dangerous To Your Health

author:DR. Edward F. Group III
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

Every year about this time doctors around the world are recommending that people go in and get their annual flu shot. What most people don’t know or understand is just how dangerous this could be, especially for children under the age of 12. When people call and say “My doctor is telling the family to go in and get a flu shot. Should I do it?”…I tell them they should learn about the side effects and decide for themselves…as a chiropractor and naturopathic physician I don’t’ have the time or energy to argue with family practitioners or family doctors who are obviously uneducated on the possible side effects or detrimental effects flu shots or vaccinations in general can have on the body.
I personally have never received a flu shot and have never been ill during the flu season. In my personal opinion I don’t think toxic chemicals and strains of different viruses growing on living tissue belong inside the body. Because of the demand, I want to share with you some of the research that we have found in the latest flu shot trend and the by-products of these supposedly sterile and non-harmful solutions.
I don’t know about you, but I sure would not want any of the following compounds in my bloodstream or deposited in my body. Let’s look at what we have found in the common vaccinations:
Ethylene Glycol: Ethylene Glycol is nothing more than the technical name for anti-freeze, the same stuff that you put inside your car engine. I don’t think I have to tell you what would happen if you ingest antifreeze.
Thimerosal: This is a mercury derived disinfectant and preservative which is used in a majority of the vaccinations and can result in brain injury over a long period of time leading into Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s Disease, lack of memory, sluggish brain performance and also is known to induce auto-immune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, ALS as well as altering and depleting the immune system from working efficiently.
Phenol: Phenol is most commonly used as a disinfectant, also used as a dye, is listened as a carcinogenic agent (cancer-causing) agent and is also known as carbolic acid.
Neomycin and Streptomycin: These compounds are used as antibiotics which have side effects to include severe allergic reactions in some people. It always puzzled me why they are putting two different forms of antibiotics in a viral vaccine.
Aluminum: Aluminum accumulates in the skin, bones, brain and kidneys and can cause Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Aluminum has also caused cancer in laboratory mice. It is commonly used as an additive in most vaccinations.
Formaldehyde: Formaldehyde is used as a preservative. It is also classified as a carcinogenic (cancer-causing agent) and causes the body fluids to become acidic in nature. Formaldehyde will start to preserve your tissues within the body.
I hope that when your doctor starts telling you that it is time for your annual flu vaccine you will present this material to him and ask him how all of these ingredients are going to prevent you from getting the flu. I’ll be very interested in knowing what his answer is to that question. As a side note just to let you know what is being injected to your body, these vaccines are strained through animal or human tissues like chicken embryos, monkey kidney tissue and embryonic guinea pig cells, to name a few.
So what am I supposed to do if I don’t listen to my doctor and I decide not to get an annual flu shot? Well, you have probably made the smartest decision you have ever made in your entire life. So let me give you 5 Simple Secrets and Bonuses to Sailing Through The Flu Season:
Secret #1: Reduce your intake of caffeine, alcohol and carbonated beverages and replace with purified water with addition of organic apple cider vinegar added. Two tablespoons per gallon or a capful per glass. Ideally, you should drink at least ½ gallon of water each day.
Secret #2: Reduce intake of refined white sugar, white flour, sweets, refined grains and hydrogenated oils. Try not to over-eat, especially during the holidays. Try to get adequate exercise—at least 3 times per week. The more you move, the better your lymph system is able to move toxic materials out of the body.
Secret #3: Zinc. In a majority of the studies that have been done during the flu season many people have prevented the flu by taking supplements of zinc. Zinc is one of the most powerful immune stimulants and is powerful anti-viral. There are a lot of different forms of zinc and you have to be careful on which one you choose. Therefore I recommend the best and most absorbable form of zinc which is zinc orotate. If you cannot find this form of zinc at your local health food store or natural health care practitioner contact Global Healing Center at 713.476.0016 or staff@globalhealingcenter.com. Do not take zinc at the same time you eat or drink citrus fruits or juices. It will diminish the effectiveness of the zinc.
Secret #4: Eat as close to nature as possible. This means to eat food that is considered “live.” Include raw fruits (seasonal), vegetables and nuts and seeds as much as possible in your diet. If possible, buy organic or from a local farmer’s market. Make sure that you thoroughly wash your fruits and vegetables before consuming. Vegetables may be steamed lightly or used in nourishing soups and stews. Adding fresh garlic to your diet is also recommended.
Secret #5: Eliminate stress and negative emotions. Being negative and allowing stress to affect you can quickly bring down the immune system. Learn to say no to activities that will over-tax your schedule. Spend time alone each day and read positive books, listen to good music or practice meditation. Train your mind to find the positive or good in every situation and treat all of these situations as a learning experience. Don’t go around playing the “victim” in life.
BONUS! Secret #6: Colloidal Silver, Oxygenator and Oregano Oil: Colloidal silver has been around for hundreds of years and has been used as a natural antibiotic which promotes healing. It can also be used as a nasal spray and as eardrops. Oxygenator is a safe, stable, inorganic compound of oxygen and chlorine-containing products, in a colorless and odorless aqueous medium. Oxygenator is known to release chlorine dioxide (CL02), and the product has demonstrated efficacy as an anti-inflammatory, broad spectrum, bactericidal, fungicidal, as well as a virucidal agent. The Chemistry Literature verifies this triple-threat ability of CL02. Oregano Oil is a powerful germ and painkiller. An article published in Phytotherapy Research describes how oregano oil superceded anti-inflammatory drugs in reversing pain and inflammation and is nearly as powerful as morphine as a painkiller. The oil also possesses significant antioxidant powers. Furthermore, it stimulates the flow of bile, which greatly aids digestion. Keep these three products in your medicine cabinet at all times. All three are available from http://www.globalhealingcenter.com or call 713.476.0016.
SUPER BONUS!! Extra Tips and Suggestions

Get adequate sleep and rest. The body does the most healing between the hours of sundown and midnight. It is impossible to “catch-up” on sleep.
Wash your hands frequently. Rinse and dry your hands thoroughly and keep them away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. If you sneeze use a tissue and throw it away as soon as possible.
Buy a new toothbrush frequently. Toothbrushes can harbor viruses and prolong an illness.
Eucalyptus Oil is good for relieving congestion. Put 6 drops in a hot bath or in boiling water, put a towel over your head and inhale the vapors. You can also diffuse it through an essential oil diffuser.
Dairy Products. Dairy can be very mucous causing not to mention the fact that many people have an allergy to cow’s milk and don’t even know it.
3 Drops of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide in each ear 3x daily for 5 days helps relieve flu symptoms.

With many flu seasons ahead I felt it was finally time to break the silence and reveal these secrets to as many people as possible. I have come to the conclusion that your Dr. doesn’t want you to know about the detrimental effects of flu shots and vaccinations. Please feel free to share this article with your friends, family and loved ones. I wish you a happy and healthy holiday season. Don’t forget to check all the information and research articles on our continually up-dated website: http://www.globalhealingcenter.com